Hi Nick: I cannot track the ball during match play. As a hitting partner, I’m a solid 4.5 player, but I drop to a 3.5 hacker in game play. I regularly lose to players I appear to be better than. I can’t see the ball at all and I’m always rushed. I seldom have a complete swing. I don’t react quickly to short ball—I don’t even see them until they cross the net! Side note: My eyes are fine, no issues there. Can you get an addicted old guy pointed in the right direction?

—Kurt Menard, Ridgecrest, CA

Hi Kurt: It seems to me that you are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Take a lesson with your coach and do the following. Before the ball crosses the net, I want you to yell out where the ball will bounce and start going toward the ball. Divide the court into four sections.


The ball will bounce near the service line.


The ball will bounce between the service line and baseline.


The ball will bounce near the baseline.


The ball will force you to go back behind the baseline.

This will train you to follow the ball the instant it leaves your opponent’s racquet. The height of the ball will also send you a message.  Remember it is always easier to come forward if you misjudge the ball than it is to retreat.

Have a question for legendary coach Nick Bollettieri? Write to him and he'll consider your question for a future column.

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Nick Bollettieri

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