Ah, the pros, they're just like us... sort of. Just prior to the start of Wimbledon, Tomas Berdych took a walking tour of the famous queue, with rain boots on (despite it not raining, during that period at least).


First of all, Berdych pronounced the queue as “queu - ee,” which just goes to show how much experience a Top 10 player could possibly have waiting in lines.

Fans camped out the Sunday before the first Monday, and most of them came with refreshments, picnic baskets and tents to brave the conditions for a chance to sit at Centre Court, or any court.

Berdych visits Wimbledon queue, 'helps' build tent

“So from this we have to make something like that,” Berdych said, pointing to a beautifully made tent, and lending a hand, for a little while at least.


Berdych visits Wimbledon queue, 'helps' build tent

He even handed out some treats, and posed for pictures with lucky fans.

Berdych visits Wimbledon queue, 'helps' build tent


“Well this was a pretty cool experience,” Berdych said. “It was the first time to share this experience with these people.”

There's no doubt that his visit made the lives of the queue survivors just a little bit better.