Despite some initial blowback from players about the changes made to the Davis Cup format, the prestigious team competition is now underway for the 2019 season. Yet, many are still confused by the new rules.
The qualifiers are happening this weekend, with 24 teams competing for 12 spots in the Finals set for November. The losing teams will move on to Zone Group competition. At the end of the season, those 12 qualifiers, four semifinalists from 2018, and two wildcard entries will compete. These 18 teams will face off in six Round-Robin groups of three. The six group winners, and the two second-place teams with the best records, will move on to the quarterfinals where the rest of the competition will be single elimination.
Phew, that is a lot. We want to know; do you understand the new format or does the Davis Cup need to continue tinkering?