Thereā€™s a lot of debate about the merits of going organic, and sorting out fact from fiction can be tricky. Hereā€™s are some truthful facts about the terminology, and the nutritional and health benefits of reaching for organic options more frequently.

Organic foods contain more antioxidants, which are not only disease-protective, but a University of Florida study found that people who consume more antioxidants had lower body mass indices, smaller waist circumferences and lower body-fat percentages than those with lower intakes. In addition, research shows that pesticide residues from conventionally grown foods may be a factor in rising obesity rates. Rats exposed to pesticides gain considerably more weight, and further research has linked pesticide exposure to obesity in children.

A report by the French Agency for Food Safety found that organically grown foods contain more minerals and antioxidants, which are considered ā€œgoodā€ fats, and far fewer nitrates, which have been linked to such health problems as diabetes and Alzheimerā€™s. A study that compared the nutritional content of organic and non-organic chicken found that the organic samples were leaner and contained more healthful omega-3 fatty acids. An analysis of organic milk found that it packs 75 percent more beta-carotene, as well as 50 percent more vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that supports immunity.

Forty-three percent of organic food buyers cite better taste as a major reason for purchasing organic fruits and vegetables, and thereā€™s research to confirm the taste advantage. The term ā€œorganolepticā€ refers to the sensory properties of a particular foodā€”its taste, appearance, color, aroma, size, firmness, mouth feel and even sound (i.e., the ā€œsnapā€ of a string bean or ā€œcrackā€ when biting into a crisp apple). Several published studies have shown that organic versions of foods rank higher in organoleptic characteristics. One apple study compared five pairs from an organic farm and a nearby conventional orchard. Without knowing which was which, trained tasters rated the organic apples as tastier.

By law, organically produced foods cannot be given antibiotics. That is key, because these substances contaminate ground and water systems, triggering an unhealthy domino effect that can impact you if you become ill or injured. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture has contributed to the rise in drug-resistant germs. The Food and Drug Administration now says that more than 70 percent of bacteria that cause infections in hospitals are resistant to at least one of the drugs most commonly used to treat infections.

Cynthia Sass is the author of Cinch! Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds, and Lose Inches. She is the nutrition consultant for the New York Yankees, and works with a wide range of athletes, including tennis players, as a board-certified specialist in sports dietetics.