More photos have emerged from the upcoming Battle of the Sexes film, starring Emma Stone and Steve Carell as Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. The movie will center around the historic 1973 Battle of the Sexes match between King and Riggs.

PEOPLE magazine had the full scoop, saying Oscar-winning actress Stone put on 15 pounds of muscle to play the role of Billie Jean King.


“This was a really important and serious time in the women’s liberation movement, and it was one of the first times that a political issue was acted out in the circus-like atmosphere,” co-director Jonathon Dayton told *PEOPLE*. “It just felt incredibly relevant to today’s time.”


Stone had no tennis experience, but Dayton said she "trained like an action hero" to play the role of the tennis pioneer.

"The story, you know, is very, very loose, loosey-goosey. They have the original nine in there and the WTA," King told the New York Times in March. "And they don’t have anything right. It doesn’t matter. It’s the feeling they got right, the sense of the time and what was going on."

Battle of the Sexeswill be in theaters on September 22.