MATCH POINT: Anastasia Potapova defeats Diana Shnaider; Madrid 1R

ROME, Italy—Anyone in the mood for a Roman Holiday?

Married tennis stars Anastasia Potapova and Alexander Shevchenko channeled Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck from the 1953 film ahead of their respective Internazionali BNL d’Italia campaigns.


Shevchenko and Potapova married last fall after a year of dating.

Shevchenko and Potapova married last fall after a year of dating.

“It’s one of my favorite movies of all time and I was really excited to be doing this,” said Potapova, who married Shevchenko last fall after a year of dating.

“I mean the clothes and everything. The scooter, the place, and especially doing it in Rome, it makes it very special.”


Dressed in 1950s attire, Potapova and Shevchenko took turns taking the lead on the Italian scooter.

“It’s actually a nice style, an elegant style,” said Shevchenko, who will play his first match against Fabio Marozsan on Wednesday.

Potapova got to channel a particularly iconic scene of Audrey Hepburn steering the Italian scooter.

Potapova got to channel a particularly iconic scene of Audrey Hepburn steering the Italian scooter.

“I’m not a big fan of these photo sessions but my wife carries me on all the time. Otherwise I’m not going to have a great time at home!” he added with a laugh. “But we did it, it was quite fun!”

“It was so fun,” Potapova agreed. “That’s probably our second photoshoot as a family together, with my husband.”

Potapova will also play her first match of the tournament on Wednesday against Wang Xiyu.