Babolat Pure Drive 98
- Price: $279 / $559 (pair)
- Head Size: 98 sq. in.
- Length: 27 in.
- Weight: 11.4 oz.
- Balance: 4 pts. HL
- Swingweight: 324
- RA Rating: 69
- Beam Width: 21 mm / 23 mm / 21 mm
- String Pattern: 16x20
What’s New
The Pure Drive 98 adds an extra cross string for a 16x20 configuration. The denser pattern ups the frame’s command over the ball while taming some of the spin and power. The beam has also been squared off at the 2 and 10 o’clock positions of the hoop. The more elliptical shape is designed to increase stability and therefore result in more reliable targeting. And Flax Tape 2.0—an update of the frame’s natural fiber dampening technology—is positioned in the throat of the racquet to filter out harsh vibrations for better feel and comfort.