Never let it be said that the world No. 1 doesn’t pay attention to every little detail.

During the first changeover in his opening match at the Australian Open against Illya Marchenko, Andy Murray appeared to be a little baffled by what was going on with his water bottle, particularly how much was in it.

“I know how much I have to drink when it’s a certain temperature,” he said in his post-match presser. “I couldn’t find how big it was, so I didn’t know how much I was having to drink.”

Murray wanted to make sure he was doing everything to ensure he was properly hydrated in the Australian summer heat. And while he couldn’t figure out how much was in the bottle on the court, he was able to notice on the bottle that was at his press conference.

“I still didn’t see it on the court, but I can actually see it now,” he said. “It’s one liter!”

If anything, Rafael Nadal—one of Murray’s peers in the ATP’s famed “Big 4”—could probably relate to the attention paid to a water bottle.


Murray, and Nadal, leave no stone unturned—or hydration vessel ignored—on the way to the top.