Sorribes Tormo outsteadies Bouchard for first WTA title in Guadalajara

Since last fall Eugenie Bouchard has experienced pain in her right shoulder and this March matters got worse when she tore her subscapularis in the first round of Guadalajara. She attempted every rehab, therapy and conservative treatment but pulled the trigger and had arthroscopic surgery. The doctor informed the 2014 Wimbledon finalist that it would be a lengthy and grueling recovery, but her spirits remain sky-high and she appears to be living life to the fullest.

With her sling an all, Bouchard appeared on Sportnet’s “Kes’ House” and participated in numerous games, including beer pong and a hockey stick golf challenge. Earlier this month she was also spotted in New York City sporting a sleek all-white look, minus the sling of course.


Her path to recovery doesn’t mean slowing down in the slightest, she continues to pop up everywhere and most recently shared a photo of a relaxing beach outing in Miami.


But don’t get it twisted, the Canadian is putting in the work to get back to 100 percent as soon as possible. She is already beginning to move her arm and is doing curl ups and all. The 27-year-old also celebrated the momentous occasion of her stitches being taken out by sharing a few throwback photos of what they looked like the day after surgery.

But, beware these photos are “gnarly” as Eugenie stated in the Instagram caption.