With a 61-percent majority vote, Australian citizens have spoken. Same-sex marriage, known to many as marriage equality, has been voted in, with the next act to be fashioned by the Australian government to put what the people want into law.

Australian tennis players also had their say, with Casey Dellacqua, Rennae Stubbs, Daria Gavrilova and more weighing in happily about the voting public's choice:



In the wake of the vote, Battle of the Sexes icon Billie Jean King expressed her support of the outcome.


Not all will be well Down Under with the decision. Throughout the marriage-vote campaign, outspoken pastor and tennis legend Margaret Court–she of the women's singles major records of 24 titles–continued her defense of traditional marriage between one man and one woman.


Court shared the above video on social media, though the clip had less than 900 views, and has yet to offer comment on the vote.

Meanwhile, the Sydney Opera House certainly got colorful about the vote total.

All that to say this: Australia has called for marriage equality, and so far, it's tennis players who have voiced a position on it that is in line with the simple majority of the public's wishes. Let this latest round of freedom ring.

Follow Jon on Twitter @jonscott9.