The 2020 season was not what anybody had anticipated, but players figured out how to have all kinds of fun nonetheless. Baseline is counting down the Top 10 viral moments of 2020.


Serena Williams' daughter, Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr., reached three years of age in 2020, and she's already becoming a dominant presence on the tennis court—after all, she has quite the role model to look up to.


Serena continues to show Olympia not just how to look cool, but also how to hit the ball:

Rest assured, though, there are other coaches in Olympia's life.

"I'm not giving her tennis lessons—I signed her up for some," Serena said in a popular clip from October. "But the lady has no idea that it's my daughter."

Perhaps if Olympia sticks with it for a few years, there will never be any questions who her mother is.