"Thank you @Vogue for giving me another platform for this important cause," Venus Williams wrote on Instagram.

Having self-made her many platforms over time, her latest piece for that stalwart style-and-culture publication came just before March 24's Equal Pay Day. It's part of the inaugural #PrivilegeTax campaign she's catalyzed.

As Williams notes in her story, as told to Liam Freeman, women in the United States still make 82 cents or so on the dollar that men make.


"When women are doing well, the family does well and so does the economy—we all win," Williams writes. "Studies prove that the gender pay gap hits women of colour hardest. As an African-American woman, to know how hard we have to fight to show we’re human beings with a heart that beats just like everybody else; to know what it’s like to face biases based on gender and race is why I’m so passionate about campaigning for equality across the board."

Spend some time with Venus' words, sitting with the truth, on down to the last word: "And we must not allow it to dictate society’s progress."