Last month, Rafael Nadal opened the Rafa Nadal Sports Centre on his home island of Mallorca, Spain. In the ATP's exclusive video of the new Centre, the 30-year-old talks about his beginnings in tennis, emphasizing how important other sports were for him.

It makes sense that his facility is much more than just tennis, with soccer fields, basketball courts, school, residence hall and a Nadal museum.

"It’s quite amazing that this small island can have Rafa," Alex Corretja says. "I think its quite great for the sport, for Spanish sport, but especially for people here in Majorca."

Nadal has never been shy about how close he is to his family, and how important his home town is to him.

"Having his name and his team is going to put Majorca on the map," Carlos Moya says.

Nadal may not be sure how or when his season will end, but the 14-time Grand Slam champion has already won big in 2016 with his Sports Centre.