Wolfgang Puck's new HBO Max show, The Event, Inside Wolfgang Puck Cateringfeatures an episodeentirely about the Spago restaurant at Indian Wells.
The show shares what goes on behind the scenes to pull off the two-week restaurant inside Stadium 1 year after year.
“I love tennis. I play tennis and it is one of my favorite sports,” Puck says. “And I think that’s really what the Indian Wells tennis tournament is, mixing my pleasure with my passion.”
Spago was Puck's first restaurant in Los Angeles, opened in 1982, and the 100-seat version has been a must-visit stop in Palm Springs since 2017.
Early on in the episode, Tennis Channel CEO Ken Solomon sets the stage.
“The idea was to bring the greatest event the greatest of everything,” Solomon says. “And, of course, the culinary experience is a huge part of every sporting event.”