
Happy New Year, everyone. With Brisbane and Hopman Cup underway and Chennai and Doha ready to pop the cork, many of you will finally have your thirst for live tennis quenched. So feel free to hobnob here with the usual crew if you want to discuss the events of the day, or the news.

The biggest news, of course, is that Andy Murray has retained Iron Ivan Lendl has his coach. Reactions to the move have been mixed, partly because of Lendl's dearth of coaching experience.  I don't particularly see that as a problem; it's not like Murray is a gifted 12-year old who needs to be handled with kid gloves, or must have a carrot dangled before him. He's adult,intelligent, and relatively secure.

But let's leave a more detailed analysis of this for Tuesday. For now, enjoy these two holiday days and, as they say, "Let's get it started!"

-- Pete