Mahesh Bhupathi blames All India Tennis Association (AITA) president Anil Khanna for the fanning the flames of his feud with his former doubles partner Leander Paes. "Anil Khanna has enjoyed the rift between Leander and me as no other," Bhupathi told reporters. "He has re-defined the term divide and rule and at this year's Olympics, used Leander's shoulder to fire the gun against me multiple times. Unfortunately the media terms this a Bhupathi-Paes rift and the true underbelly is left unquestioned.”
Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna were handed a two-year ban from Davis Cup last week and Bhupathi is threatening legal action against association. Bhupathi and Bopanna refused to partner Paes at the London Olympics, which forced the AITA to change its parings.
"I am here to detail episodes of the personal vendetta the AITA and its dictatorial rule have carried out against me over the last decade,” Bhupathi said. "It has got to the point where nothing they do or say surprises me anymore. As far as that establishment goes I have become thick skinned. At the twilight of my career to face a ban from playing for the country and termed a traitor is unacceptable to me. If I am to stand trial after what I have achieved in my sport over the last 18 years, I am willing to, but I need to know who will ask the establishment questions?"