Caroline Wozniacki, the Danish junior won who the Girls' title at Wimbledon and entered the U.S. Open with a shot at becoming the junior world champ, never made it through her first round. She was defaulted, allegedly for cursing out a linesperson with language the would make a sailor, if not Ms. Liron Rubin, blush.
Well, Ms. Wozniacki has her own website, complete with a blog where she gives her version of the events that led to her default (it's the second item down, and she gets off to a great start: Unfortunately (sic) i got a bad start and ending in this years US Open. . ." This seems to be a young lady driving for stardom, hell-bent-for-leather, no seat belts on, chatting on her cell phone. Checking our her site, I wonder of she's going to be the prophet who leads the pony-tailed multitudes back to the land of Farah Fawcett-grade Big Hair.
Hat-tip to L. Jon for telling me about this incident, with an assist to the indispensable Colette Lewis of Zootennis, who covers the Junior Tennis Waterfront with amazing dedication and enthusiasm.
I watched a little bit of Peter Polansky's (see lead story at Zootennis) second-round match, with John and Colette. When you looked closely at Polansky's leg, you could still see this awful scar, the result of the one of the most harrowing accidents I can ever recall befalling a world class player.
Yesterday, Polansky, who's yet another terrific prospect from Canada (joining Philip Bester) beat the top-seed here in the opening round. Kids heal fast, huh?