Methinks the man doth protest too much. Rapper/actor Common may speak to moving on since his relationship with Serena Williams ended years ago, but he continues to talk about it at length in the media, perhaps in an effort to keep his name "in the papers," as it were. (Memo to Common: You're welcome.) To that end, he also name-checks musician Erykah Badu and actresses Kerry Washington and Taraji P. Henson, more confirmed or alleged lovers, and notes that Serena has actually gotten on better with his mother since the breakup. Here's what he says about the WTA Tour's No. 1 star:
“Me and Serena was together. We broke up. I don’t know specifically her and Drake, it felt like obviously something was going on [after we broke up], I ain’t dwell on it too much. I ain’t have no problem with that, you do what you do. After a while I felt like in some of Drake’s songs he was saying stuff that was subliminal to me. And I was like, you just don’t know nowadays cats be doing them sneak disses and after a while it was like I’m just going to come out and say what I need to say. It was a show I was at and I left and Drake said something out to the crowd, some tough stuff. So then I was like, ‘aight, it was that time’ because I knew he was directing it to me. We kept it on record and after that it was squashed.”
Elsewhere, Common says that it was "real love" with Williams and Badu both: "Both of those women I could’ve married." He also dishes on confronting Serena about her rumored dalliance with rapper Drake: “I definitely talked to her about it. At the end of the day, once she aint ya lady, what can I say? It don’t have nothing to do with me at that point.” Too true, Common. Probably time to drop Serena as conversation fodder.