
It's been made pretty clear by our hard-partying Twibe members in Europe that the TW holiday party is going on there, with or without us. I love how independent and self-assured this crew is, but it also makes me wish we weren't quite so scattered.

You know what's funny? I'm not even sure who is in our Euro-contingent, it just was never terribly important to me.  I know Annabelle is over there ((on permanent loan from Down Under?) and the Original Frenchie as well. Then there's Ro'ee (the elder statesman of our Israel contingent), Or, MarieJ\ (our reigning Poster of the Year), David Law,  Serbian Nina, Schwab, Bismarck (are you in Europe, Bissy?), Temes (hey Temes!), Rosangel (invaluable!), Mikey Seabra, and others too numerous to name individually.

How is the holiday party progressing anyway, Annabelle?

This post is a place where we can exchange holiday greetings with our European brothers and sisters, and communicate about what we're respectively up to, right now and over the next two weeks.  I hope some of you Euro-lurkers drop a comment. Are any of you going to stick around for the US festivities tonight?

I will also be posting general Christmas/holiday greetings as the actual day draws near. I have to pick up the little cowpuncher at school later (we decorate the tree tonight), get a few posts up, get my stuff together for my 4:30 tomorrow departure for Los Angeles (meeting with Pete Sampras). So I don't know how much time I'll be able to spend at this post, but -

Virtual hugs and a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!