Turns out that the best part of waking up is truly Roger Federer in one's cup. His commercial presence continues its pristine, stately pose with the release of a new ad for Jura coffeemakers. See it here:


Leave it to the Fed to hit a creamy ace that nicks both "lines" (glasses). It's another in his long line of sleek ads, though the recent Lindt Chocolate ad has garnered a bit of belated criticism (the ninth and twelfth items here and here, respectively).


In my own mind, that ad is harmless, and yes, Federer remains, in the best way, blissfully ignorant as a European to the current fighting over the legality of stateside strip searches.

Regarding Feder-ads in general, I still say this one takes the clichéd cake:


As for the funniest, well, Federer tops even himself with the pose he strikes at the 50-second mark here:


If there's been a rather forced error in the bunch, it was this NetJets spot that just wouldn't go away:


YOUR TURN: What Federer advertisement is your favorite to date? And did you think any have missed the mark?

—Jonathan Scott (Find me on Twitter @jonscott9.)