A combination of speed, balance, determination, and technique turns a mere asset into a feared weapon.

  1. The ball has just bounced, but look at how Hewitt has already prepared his racquet using his non-dominant hand to support the frame. Notice, too, how the elbow of his hitting arm is bent and the wrist is cocked. This is one of the secrets of technique for the defensive backhand; as he extends toward the ball, Hewitt will still have some measure of racquet-head speed even though he’s completely stretched. Most players who struggle with this kind of shot simply reach out to the ball without first coiling the wrist and arm, resulting in a weak reply.
  1. Unlike a regular stroke, which requires small adjustment steps, Hewitt is on the extreme defensive and must make one large stride to reach the ball. As he steps out with his right foot, Hewitt starts his forward swing by letting go of the frame with his left hand and straightening out his hitting arm. What’s special about this picture is Hewitt’s balance. Even at top speed, his center of gravity is directly beneath him and his chin and eyes are pointed at the ball. This takes excellent coordination and agility.
  1. This is a magnificent display of athleticism that most of us just have to sit back and admire. There aren’t many people with the core strength and the flexibility in the legs and ankles (his left one is scraping the court) to pull this move off. What’s applicable to your game is the way Hewitt extends the racquet with a nice square face. And since he generated some racquet-head speed, his return will not only go over the net, it will have some velocity on it. Notice, too, how Hewitt keeps his back straight and his head up. This helps maintain beautiful balance and will enhance his shot.
  1. Hewitt is in such a desperate situation that his body is almost completely turned away from the net. Yet his posture doesn’t suffer. One of the reasons his body is so composed is that he extends his left arm out to counterbalance his right. Had the left arm come around, Hewitt would have lost his balance. As he completes his swing, Hewitt’s racquet face is slightly open. This gives the ball height over the net, and he now has a chance to get back into the point.