Margaret Court tells Reuters that she does not feel hateful toward gay people, but still she remains opposed to same-sex marriage.

Court’s anti-gay marriage stance has been the impetus for planned protests at the Australian Open’s Margaret Court Arena. A Facebook group that was formed to protest Court has called on activists to unfurl rainbow banners in the mini-stadium.

Court, a 24-time Grand Slam champion, is a pastor at the Victory Life Center church in Perth. She has been quoted describing advocacy of same-sex marriage as promoting "unhealthy" and "unnatural" unions. But Court denies that she is anti-gay.

"I actually love homosexual people," the 69-year-old Court said. "I do not have anything against them. It's just my view (about gay marriage) and it's in the scriptures ... The bible will always be the TV guide to my life. I believe marriage is something between a man and a woman."

Court added that despite the planned protests that she still plans on attending the Australian Open.