If you read my post on the bizarre New York Athletic Club dinner for John McEnroe, you'll understand the "life imitating art" aspect of this follow-up.

I had an e-mail this morning from Dorrie, who was seated with me for dinner. She wrote:

I found this communication almost implausible, and tried to call Dorrie right away. But she's out of the office today. So Chris and I checked out Lloyd Grove's column in the Daily News and—if anything—his version makes the event sound even uglier!

The *Daily News* website has been down all day, but if you're interested, visit the site and navigate to Lloyd's "Lowdown" column for today . . .

When I wrote my post on this ill-fated dinner yesterday, I wondered what, if anything, might have constituted sufficient reason for me to stay at the event.

Nothing, I decided.

Now I've changed my mind.

If I knew what was brewing, I most certainly would have hung around for the fireworks!

I'm not surprised this happened and I know for sure that not of this was McEnroe's fault. The NYAC is a weird place, the kind of place where the worst segment of the fratboy crowd winds up.


Update: Chris here. Tony Lance, one of the editors here at the magazine, found TennisWeek's Andre Christopher's account of the evening. To Christopher, Johnny Mac came off as restrained and classy. As Tony said, it's interesting how people can see the same situation in such different ways.