For those needing a lift in their spirit this week, look no further than the "Capybaras that look like Rafael Nadal" site. It's no Texts from Hillary, but it's downright hilarious in its own right. Or maybe that's just my meme-loving, social-media-fied (-fried?) noggin. But I doubt it.
So enjoy this, your daily dose of "lolz," as the cool kids sadly say. Difficult to pick a favorite here among the ... Rafabaras? Snarling Capybara and Towel Capybara are standouts, though.
Do note this about the animal: "Capybaras are very gregarious. While they do sometimes live solitarily, they are more commonly found in groups that average 10–20 individuals, with two to four adult males, four to seven adult females and the rest juveniles." Sound like anyone we know? Maybe a certain family-loving and -coabiding world No. 2?
Here's the latest word from the personified real deal, happy to be combatting Novak Djokovic soon at Real Madrid's soccer stadium in Spain: