I’ve sung the praises of Charlie Bricker (of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel) at TennisWorld often in the past, and I’m linking you to the most recent example of why I single him out as one of the half dozen or so great tennis journalists out there (at least in the English language). Don’t be fooled by the snoozer headline here, ARTHUR ASHE INSPIRED A GENERATION OF BLACK AMERICANS (Gee—stop the presses!). This is a big, important, interesting story.

Charlie may not be a literary stylist, and he’s certainly not a bicoastal tennis hipster, oohing and aahing over tennis players and their celebrity girl/boy toys or lifestyles. Nor does he have an agenda, like those loudmouths who are always screaming about what the USTA should be doling out, and to whom, and for what Byzantine reason. He just gets it right, he gets it often, and he covers the game like it’s a real sport, not an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

Kudos, Brick. Give this guy the props he deserves—bookmark him!