Playing smart doubles is about trying to gain good court position and control the net. Yet many recreational doubles players unwittingly hinder their teams by standing near the alley as their partners serve. Although this might prevent you from getting burned down the line, it also makes it more difficult for you to intercept the most common return (the one down the middle), while at the same time making it easier for the returner to execute the crosscourt return. Also, by standing near the alley you leave your serving partner to cover the equivalent of an entire singles court. This may result in your partner having to hit volleys from difficult positions, and the opposing net player will be there to pick off all but his best shots.
The smart choice is to place yourself in the position that increases your chances of having a play on the most common shots. When your partner is serving, stand smack in the middle of the service box.
This is the right location because it puts you in good position to volley weak returns, poach, cover lobs, and handle all but the best returns directed down the line.