
Well, it appears we may have dodged a bullet with the rain; play has started on the outside courts, but the sky doesn't look reliable. MarieJ is here with her dad and sister today, and Viv and her friend are trying to secure tickets to Suzanne Lenglen, where the match with the most potential entertainment value, Bagthdatis vs. Andreev, is scheduled second on - following Moya vs. Bjorkman. These are not great conditions for Jonas, because the balls will be heavy and damp, and it's been said around here for quite some time now that it is the Year of Carlos. It's interesting, but despite his reputation as and all-around good-guy and Manbabe, Carlos doesn't seem to get Big Love here. He's a former champion, but then so is Gaston Gaudio. It would be some story of Moya were able to do it again. Enjoy, folks. I'll be reporting later. The picture is your morning desert, chicas!