Be it Ciara's birthday party or at home on Instagram, Serena Williams is often given to portraying superheroes.


In her own words, she donned that mantle again while at a restaurant this week, following a man who seized her phone from the table and left. Details are murky as to whether the man meant to grab Williams' phone and make off with it, but she sure seems to think that was the case, and confronted him outside, asking if he "accidentally" took her mobile.

Video obtained by ABC appeared to tell a slightly slower version of the story:


Williams took the matter to Facebook, posting about the incident at length: She noted that she received a round of applause upon returning to the restaurant's dining room, and said, "It was a win for the ladies! Just because you are a lady don't be afraid to step up to any challenge and not be a victim but a hero!"

It's something the 21-time Grand Slam singles champion knows well.

That Facebook post netted Williams more than 118,000 likes and over 12,000 shares of itself. It goes without saying that, whatever you think of her performance on court (often seamless) or of her personality in general (often quirky and winsome), she's a master of the well-placed social post. At that she is surely superhuman.

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