Living as a family with autism we’ve had ups and downs, laughter and tears, heartbreak and excitement. But through it all, we’ve always been a family living with autism. This wasn’t just a diagnosis given to my son Cody, it’s shared by his brother, his father and me.
Whether it’s the tough times when we sometimes get frustrated or the most wonderful times like when we celebrated Cody’s first ride in an elevator, we’re in this together. (Oh, how I wish I could put into words just how much of a milestone this was for Cody and all of the hard work it took to make it happen.) I sometimes just listen or watch as Cody finds joy in the things others might consider mundane or no big deal. Like that tiny speck off in the distance, way up high in the sky, which happens to be an airplane. He always catches sight of them way before anyone else, and we all have to stop and focus until we can see it too.