Well, it's been an eventful week here at Roland Garros. I need to go and get my apartment billing straightened out, pack, and get ready for that 7 a.m. taxi to the airport. Can't hardly wait to see my wife Lisa and Cowboy Luke. They've been living in the hall and bedroom, as we're having our kitchen/living room combined in renovation.

I'm traveling on Monday, and spending most of Tuesday moving into my new office. I may post some follow-up thoughts on Wednesday, but then we have our Tennis magazine long-range planning conference the rest of the week. Anybody have any suggestions to offer?

Then, after a quick visit to the farm in game-rich Andes, I'm taking Luke to Vienna (Austria, not Wisconsin ) to visit our last living relative from my parents' generation, an uncle of mine. I must admit I bit the bullet and bought that portable DVD, so I can take those Thomas the Tank Engine videos on the plane. It's just me and Luke, and Lisa is already worried that we won't be cultivating the best and most healthy of habits. But hey, I say if the kid wants to take a bite out of the stick of butter, why deprive him?

I'll be blogging lightly until I depart to cover the second week of Wimbledon.

I urge all of you to check out all the stories on the winners at this tournament. I sometimes feel guilty not posting more on doubles, or juniors, but as you doubles nuts know, we get all wrapped up in the Big Cats.

Listen, old friends and new. I hope TW helped make your Roland Garros experience more fun. So many of you make such valued, interesting contributions, I wouldn't where to start thanking you but let me start with this: Merci!

That's French, for Mercy!