"I learned a lot, and I thought it was an unforgettable journey of learning for me personally as well," Roger Federer said recently. He wasn't speaking to something found inside the confines of the tennis court. He was addressing his first voyage to Malawi, where the Roger Federer Foundation runs an early-childhood education program alongside Action Aid Malawi. Fed's foundation has a goal of improving the lives of one million children. Here's an extended look at what happens on the ground in Malawi:


Says one local educator in the clip, "We are very excited to have Roger Federer himself coming to Malawi and spending time with the children. I think why this is very important for us is because the donor has not just been sending money, but he has taken time to come and see how the project is impacting on the children of Malawi. That is important."


Federer, a father of two sets of young twins, gets playful with the kids at various times in the footage. He dances. He counts along with preschool students. And perhaps most amusingly, he lets kids climb all over him as they inspect the hair both on his arms (at the 1:09 mark) and atop his head (4:25).

"I'm really impressed at the community here because it's the driver," Federer says. "They're so committed to improving their own village, helping their kids for a better future, and making it sustainable at the end of the day. That's most important, that this is an ongoing thing, and hopefully forever."


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