Hey everybody. Time to have some fun by selecting our March KADs comment-of-the-month (see PS below), one either by a man, or in the men's tennis division, and one by a lady, or in the women's tennis division.

Of course, this can be dicey - I'm pretty sure Lydia is a woman, but who knows about Steggy - not that either of those faithful readers is a champion-grade KAD like some of our other good friends.

But there's also this. TW has no desire to embarass or humilate anyone, and I really do mean that seriously. So I'm not going to publish the names to go with the comments. Sure, you can go look them up, but nobody is going to be singled out for a personal attack. What we're into here, folks, is the sheer, breathtaking, majestic stupidity of the ideas, or delusions. And let's face it, haven't we all stood atop that particular Everest?

So here's your chance to get even; email me (via the contact tab above)or post the most striking example of a hopelessly deluded comment below and let's see where this takes us. And feel free to pick it out of one of my own posts, if you're a Pete hater. Like I often say, tennis is a contact sport at TW!

I'll be back to you on this, with my own selections, culled either from the submissions, or the inner recesses of my own dark and evil mind.

PS - I've been asked to define a Kool-Aid Drinker. I'm too jammed for time to find my original post on it, but here goes: A KAD is fan whose love - or hatred - of a given player is so intense and uncritical that it borders on the delusional - that is, it cannot be supported in any reasonable and logical way, making it impossible to engage the KAD in question in anything like an enlightening dialogue. Only a KAD would say something like, "Roger Federer is ruining tennis", or, "Maria Sharapova is all hype and no game."

And as I have many international readers, it occurs to me (thanks to Lisbonite Mikey Seabra, TW's Spiritual Advisor) that many of them have no idea of the real meaning of the Kool-Aid reference.

Kool-Aid (this link is to the British site; you'll get the point) is a relic of the 1950s that just lives on. . . and on. It's a packet of powder, to which you add water to create a cheap, dazzlingly colored, sugar-loaded beverage. Naturally, kids (and some adults, including me, I'm ashamed to admit) really love it.

But the popular expression, "He/She drank the Kool-Aid" derives from a terrible tragedy associated with the drink. A sick, American cult leader named James Jones founded a Utopian community called Jonestown, in Guyana. There, he ultimately ordered his followers to commmit mass suicide by ingesting a drink laced with poison. About a thousand of his followers died, including women and children. The irony is that the original drink was actually something called "Flavor- Aid" - a Kool-Aid knock off.