Move along, Frank Underwood. You've got some new fictional-president competition.
"Let's rally, America?” #Sockin16? Vasek Pospisil as vice president? So many questions.
The lead campaign slogan is clever, that much is true. A new Babolat-produced clip for one of its star endorsers, Jack Sock, finds the young American pivoting careers to take on a position of power.
"Born in America's bread basket, in an actual bread basket," it says of his Nebraskan birth and upbringing. He boasts "a forehand that could make a bald eagle cry," the self-aware narrator states of the 23-year-old’s prized shot. In the words of Babolat, Sock has been put forward as "the man you didn't know you needed, in the campaign you didn't know existed."
That's certainly true.