Here are some stretches to complete the kettlebell workout.

1. Banana stretch

Stand on the left side of a pole (you can also do this at the edge of a doorway) and grab the pole with your left hand at ribcage height. Reach your right hand over your head and place it on the pole above your left hand at head height. Then step your left foot in front of your right foot and place the arch of your right foot on the bottom of the pole. Once you are all set, with both of your hands and your right foot on the pole, push your hips out to the right and curve your body in a banana shape, stretching your entire right side. Hold for 10–20 seconds, switch sides, and repeat.

2. Figure-four stretch

Lie on your back with your right leg bent out to your side and your right ankle on top of your left knee. Staying supine, reach behind your straight left knee and pull it, and your right ankle, toward your chest. Your legs should make an upside-down “4” as you pull them towards you—your left leg should go straight up from your hip and your right leg should bend out and cross your left leg at the knee. When you feel an outer hip stretch, hold the stretch for 10–20 seconds, and then switch legs.