This morning I am bursting with pride and happiness to announce that a couple who met at TennisWorld, the petite shoe-thrower, AmyLu, and the talent-scout who discovered Novak Djokovic, Juan Jose, are going where even Roger and Mirka, Rafa and Xisca, Xisco, Xixsi (whatever the hail her name is!)  fear to tread. They are going to marry in August.




This is our first TennisWorld romance that "went all the way" (I have noticed and even observed some other TW inspired, ah, dalliances), and Steve Tignor and I both had a sense that this might be in the works when we had a really pleasant lunch with JJ and AmyLu this fall in New York. As many of you know, this has been a trans-continental relationship, as JJ lives in Equador while AmyLu is a Pennsylvania girl. Following a church service and a reception at a ski resort in Pa., the newlyweds will live in North Carolina while AmyLu finishes her Ph D. "Who knows where we end up after that?" AmyLu wrote me. "We're okay with that as long as wherever it is, we're together."

I asked JJ and AmyLu if they wanted to send a message to the TWibe and, as this was shortly after AmyLu accepted JJ's proposal, JJ was still in a state of shock and unable to speak. But AmyLu had the presence of mind to reply: Just something simple from the two of us: We are incredibly happy and look forward to spending a lifetime of watching tennis together.

Simple is good, eh?

AmyLu, who has been researching this matter with an immigration specialist in the family, reckons that JJ will be eligible to play Davis Cup for the US in as few as three years. So JJ - you'd better up those once weekly lessons you've been taking. Andy Roddick isn't going to be around forever, you know.

And yes, AmyLu, I think it would be great if you were to read the poem Bec Cartwright wrote and for her Li'l Lleyton at their reception at your own, but I would check the copyright laws.

Everyone - feel free to hurl rice, pop the champagne, post Comments, reminiscences and truly embarrassing stories (to them) about our happy couple!

I'll  be back with a match-calling thread later. Let's try to keep this one for AmyLu and JJ.