Quarantine Q&A—Night owl Kristie Ahn harmonizing fitness and free time


In this new Q&A series, TENNIS.com will check in with players stationed all around the world while hanging tight during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, Kristie Ahn updates us from her family home in New Jersey.

Describe a day in the quarantine life where you are currently based.

My day pretty much revolves around meals, though to be honest, pretty sure that was the case pre-quarantine. I spend a decent amount of time experimenting with recipes.

I try to spend at least an hour a day being active, even if it means walking outside (if the weather’s nice). I usually have meetings a couple days a week, whether it’s with Tennis Channel, WTA Player Council, interviews, or about potential projects. I also just finished up with the Harvard Business School Crossover program. In my ‘free time,’ I watch TV shows, play some instruments, read, and every so often will make a TikTok.


Do you have access to a tennis court? If not, what are you doing to stay sharp?

No. I have some equipment in my basement, so I’m able to keep up my fitness through a home gym setup.

How often do you stay connected with your team and who oversees your at-home workout program?

Probably once a week or so. USTA fitness trainer, Gena Ball. She’s based out of Carson, but I’ve told her my limitations with equipment and the Northeast weather conditions. She works around that.

If the entire season is cancelled, will you pursue other avenues to earn a living while competition is on hiatus?

I can’t say for certain right now but most likely not. If anything, I may decide to look into opportunities to further my education by taking more classes.

Nutrition plays an important role in athlete’s daily life. How much are you cooking versus relying on others, like family, or utilizing delivery services?

I’ve been mostly cooking. Occasionally I will order delivery to try and support local businesses (and the food is great), but I’ve always enjoyed cooking, so this gives me a chance to spend more time in the kitchen.


What are some unexpected activities that have managed to keep you occupied?

Obviously I spend time making TikToks, but that’s expected by now. I’ve got some instruments laying around the house, so I try to play something a little bit every day.

When it comes to rest, are you treating each week like you're at a tournament, or do you allow yourself to sleep in (or stay up) late when desired?

I’m a night person, which doesn’t really go with the ‘rise and grind’ of tennis. When I train at home, I typically wake up around 6:30 a.m. With the more lax schedule, I usually go to sleep around 1 a.m. and set an alarm for around 9 a.m.

Quarantine Q&A—Night owl Kristie Ahn harmonizing fitness and free time

Quarantine Q&A—Night owl Kristie Ahn harmonizing fitness and free time