Think About It: Azarenka examines food as medicine with Dr. Rupy Aujla


In episode four of her new podcast series "Think About It," two-time Grand Slam champion Victoria Azarenka and Dr. Rupy Aujla examine the importance of a holistic approach when it comes to health.

After an atrial fibrillation scare when working at the hospital, Dr. Aujla realized something was wrong. But instead of his doctor friends saving the day with a new treatment or prescription medication, it was his mom, who told her son to take a serious look at his diet and lifestyle.

"And so honestly, to appease her, I decided I'm going to look at my diet and what I was eating and how I was living," Aujla said. "And it was a combination of increasing plant fibers, reducing the junk that I was eating, focusing on sleep, starting my meditation regime again, and just moving my body every single day in a way that was comfortable for me considering my hectic lifestyle."

As one of the world's best athletes, Azarenka understands the importance of nutrition, but due to her humble upbringing she knows how to prepare healthy foods as well.


"I grew up, we were pretty poor. So I know what it's like to be hungry. I know what it's like to finish your meal because you don't leave anything on the plate, and you eat fast," Azarenka said.

"We have quite cold winters where ability to get fresh vegetables and fresh roots in the winter is very challenging and it's very expensive. So what I remember is my grandma and my mom growing onions and green onions in little glass jars. And you eat those. I remember going to my grandma's dacha, which is called a little country house, which is not even a house, more like a tent, and growing your own vegetables and understanding the soil. I know how to milk a goat."

There is certainly no "one size fits all" diet, but it's important to understand what your body needs, and how much it needs. David Sinclair, PhD, is one of the world’s leading scientific authorities on longevity, aging and how to slow its effects. According to Sinclair, the most important factor in slowing down the aging process is to eat less. Azarenka and Aujla discuss this in a more digestible way using a fire metaphor.

"I've tried all the nutrition, I've read so many books about food and stuff. And then someone told me, think about your body as a fire," Azarenka said. "You have to always put a little bit to make the fire keep going. Just be mindful, you can't put bad things to start a fire, just put good things."

Think About It is produced in partnership with WTA. A new episode will be featured weekly on

Think About It: Azarenka examines food as medicine with Dr. Rupy Aujla

Think About It: Azarenka examines food as medicine with Dr. Rupy Aujla